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Employment Law

When you are hired, you promise your employer that you will work hard and follow the rules of the workplace. You know that if you don’t uphold your end of the deal, you will be disciplined or fired. Sometimes, however, your employer doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain. Whether it isn’t being paid, being forced to do things you didn’t agree to, or working in an unsafe environment, if your employer is hurting you or violating your rights, you need an experienced employment law attorney to help protect you from these dangers.

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McCormack Law Firm

26 years in practice
Employment Law, Personal Injury
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Boulevard Law Center P.C.

34 years in practice
Auto Accidents, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Trust & Estate
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Varner & Brandt

35 years in practice
Business Law, Employment Law
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Synodi & Videll, LLC

22 years in practice
Auto Accidents, Employment Law, Mass Tort, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury
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Cordello Law PLLC

10 years in practice
Employment Law, Immigration Law
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Raimond | Miller, ALC

25 years in practice
Employment Law, Personal Injury
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Protecting Your Rights While You’re on the Job

An experienced employment law attorney can help you through the many challenges of filing an employment law claim. Some of the most common examples of lawsuits against employers include:

Contract Violations

If you signed a contract agreeing to specific actions in exchange for a certain amount of compensation, you are entitled to collect on those terms. An employer who violates those terms either by making you do something, not in your contract or failure to pay you by the terms of the contract has committed a contract violation.

Dangerous Work Environment

If an employer expects you to work in a potentially dangerous area such as a construction site or metal foundry, then as an employee, you must be provided with safety equipment and the job site must be made as safe as reasonably possible. If you were not given proper protective equipment or a hazard was allowed to remain unchecked at a site, your employer has violated your right to a safe workplace.

Denial of Leave

If you have the right to ask for leave and there is no reason to deny that, then you should be able to request leave, especially if it is related to an injury or sudden emergency. If your employer denies your requests for leave unreasonably, you may have a denial of leave claim.


Discrimination comes in many forms, whether based on age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability, no employer may discriminate against you. If you feel that you were denied an opportunity because of discrimination, you should immediately contact an attorney to rectify the situation.

Employer Retaliation

If you come forward to report misconduct or some illegal or harmful act committed by another employee, your employer cannot legally punish you for speaking up. If you spoke out and are now having your salary cut, hours reduced, or if you have been suspended or fired, this may qualify as employer retaliation.

Refusal to Provide Accommodations

If an employer will not provide you with a reasonable accommodation due to a temporary or permanent disability, they are committing a specific form of discrimination outlawed by the Americans With Disabilities Act. As an employee, you have the right to accommodations such as a desk that allows for a wheelchair to fit under it, or larger print for visual impairment. If you have been denied these accommodations, you may be able to file a lawsuit for refusal to provide accommodations.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is considered a form of discrimination and comes in two forms: hostile work environment or quid pro quo. Quid pro quo sexual harassment means that you were sexually accosted and either could not refuse for fear of being fired, or the harasser attached some kind of reward like a promotion or raise to the sexual activity.

Hostile work environment sexual harassment is not one specific act, but a series of inappropriate sexual behaviors which make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Both forms of sexual harassment may be difficult to report due to the power imbalance between you and the harasser, so it may be necessary to file suit to stop the behavior.

Wage and Hour Violations

As an employee, you have a right to be paid for every second that you work. Additionally, if you work past 40 hours, you have the right to be paid at the increased overtime rate unless state law explicitly forbids it. If an employer is refusing to pay you for time worked, or will not give you the proper overtime pay, they have committed a wage and hour violation and you can file a lawsuit to recover all the wages they withheld.

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination contains any firing which is hinged on discrimination, retaliation, or any other inappropriate behaviors. If you were fired for reporting sexual harassment, that is wrongful termination. If you were fired for having Tourette's syndrome or a physical disability, this may also be a wrongful termination.

Helping You Seek Justice

It is nearly impossible to get justice against your employer on your own. Workplace employment laws are complex and vary wildly by state and even sometimes by county and city. On top of this, you will be going up against the full might of your employer and their company, who have a vested interest in making sure their reputation is protected. However, an experienced employment law attorney can not only even the playing field, they can get you the outcome you deserve.

An experienced employment law attorney can not only get you the compensation that you deserve, but they can also get the benefits you may have lost through wrongful termination, and in some cases, they may even be able to get your job back. With the right employment law attorney, you can undo the damage that your employer caused you. The best place to find the right attorney is at Attorney at Law.

At AAL, our nationwide network of attorneys and law firms can find you the best attorney in your area who intimately knows the laws and courts that you are dealing with. Our partners understand what your job means to you and will do everything in their power to make sure that you get the best possible outcome for your life.


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Employment Law Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I consider before accepting a job?

Before accepting a job it is important to consider how the job stands to benefit you. Make sure that the job pays you at least the minimum wage. You should also examine the job’s overtime compensation policy as well as what kinds of benefits a position will offer you.

Some jobs will offer you the choices of a cafeteria plan style benefits package with Employee Stock Ownership Plans, health insurance, dental plans, or vision coverage. Another important consideration is the retirement compensation offered. Some jobs may offer support for an Individual Retirement Account, while others may give stock options or group 401(k) retirement plans.

2. What should I consider before quitting a job?

An employee may want to quit their job for a number of reasons. Whether to broaden their horizons, to take another job, or to get out of a negative situation, there are some serious considerations for leaving a job. The most important considerations are the continuation of insurance and noncompetition.

A non-competition agreement prevents an employee from taking another job in a company that would put them in competition with their former employer. In general, non-competition agreements prevent an employee from working in a specific industry in a specific geographic area for a specific period of time. Another consideration when leaving a job is how to maintain insurance coverage. Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA),  a former employee may remain on their employer’s insurance plan, usually at an increased cost.

3. What is wrongful termination?

Wrongful termination is a complex legal topic. While every termination feels wrongful, only a few circumstances make the termination wrongful. Usually, a wrongful termination requires either a breach of contract, a violation of federal law, or execution of constructive discharge.

If an employee has an employment contract that outlines clear grounds for termination and those circumstances are not met, then the termination may be wrongful. If an employee is terminated for discriminatory or union-busting reasons, then the termination may be considered wrongful. Finally, if circumstances are made so objectively awful for an employee that they are forced to quit this is a type of wrongful termination known as a constructive discharge.

4. Can I terminate an employee for any reason?

The majority of states operate on the presumption that a workplace employs workers at will. This means that unless explicitly stated otherwise in a legally binding manner, an employer can fire an employee for almost any reason. There are exceptions to this rule.

The first exception is if there has been an implied contract. If an employer is found to have formed an implied contract, they will not be able to terminate an employee at will. The second exception is if the employer is firing a protected worker for protected reasons. Some laws such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 create protected groups that cannot be discriminated against. If an employer fires someone based on their age, race, sex, religion, or other protected reason, that may be found to be a wrongful termination. 

5. Can an employer withhold my pay?

In general, no. Under the Employment Rights Act of 1996, employees are entitled to the protection of their wages. This means that if an employer does not pay an employee the full amount that they are owed on time, they are unlawfully deducting from their employee’s wages. However, if the employee has violated their employment contract, or has not performed their duties as required by the terms of their employment, there may be circumstances in which the employee may not be paid.

6. What can I do if I feel I’ve been wrongfully terminated?

If you feel that you have been wrongfully terminated, you will need the help of an employment law attorney. An experienced employment law attorney can use their experience, legal expertise, and expert witnesses to get you the best possible outcome for your case. The best place to find an employment law attorney is Attorney at Law.

At AAL our nationwide network of attorneys and law firms allows us to match you with the best auto accident attorney in your area. Our attorneys have the experience, legal expertise, and expert testimony to help you explore your options and get you the outcome you deserve. In addition to legal expertise, our attorneys also excel in client care. Our firms ensure that their clients are cared for and questions are answered.

Don’t wait. Contact AAL today for a complimentary consultation and begin your journey to justice.

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