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Find Land Use and Zoning Lawyer

Land Use and Zoning

The creation of a city is not an easy task. It takes hundreds of hours of surveying, analyzing geological strata, assessing natural resources, and backbreaking physical labor. But before ground is broken on the actual construction of a city, it needs to be planned out. Some cities are so meticulously planned that every road intersects at a right angle, neatly dividing the city into a grid. Other cities are more loose in their design, allowing the city to meander and grow in the directions it requires. Most cities, however, will make decisions regarding the use of land and those decisions will be enforced through land use and zoning laws.

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The Piatchek Law Firm, LLC

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Maintaining Urban Design

Modern cities are planned by urban engineers whose entire profession is determining the best way to utilize land. To that end, they advise cities and counties on how they should allot the land to be used. These allotments are then encoded in zoning laws and land use laws.

Zoning Laws

In general, zoning laws divide a city or county into three categories: commercial, industrial, and residential. There are some areas that can be hybridized, for example an area zoned for residential or commercial use. These zones impose limits on what can be done in certain areas. For example, a strip mall is zoned for commercial use so a storefront that is converted to a residence would violate zoning laws. Sometimes zoning laws can be suspended but there must be a compelling reason for this to be allowed.

Land Use Laws

Land use laws dictate how a piece of land can be developed. Land use laws can refer to broad prohibitions, such as forbidding fracking, or specific requirements, such as dictating the placement of utility lines. Land use laws can also require individuals to get a permit and follow strict guidelines, such as when someone wants to add an addition to their house or build a shed in their backyard. Violation of land use laws can result in fines or legal action.

Helping You Command The Market

If you are looking to challenge a land use or zoning law, you will need the help of an experienced real estate law attorney. A real estate attorney is able to focus completely on your case and get you the best possible outcome.

In order to achieve this best outcome, however, you will need an attorney who has the expertise and resources to take your case all the way. That’s why you should contact Attorney at Law. By partnering with AAL, you will be able to avoid slogging through the quagmire of unscrupulous lawyers looking to exploit your case.

At AAL, we only partner with the best firms in your area, helping you find the best attorney for your case. Don’t wait, contact AAL today to be matched with skilled and experienced attorneys in your area who practice real estate law.


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Land Use and Zoning Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is zoning?

Zoning is a broad term that refers to the collection of local, county, and state laws that dictate how land may be developed or used in specific location. These locations or “zones” are explicitly set aside for certain purposes such as residential construction, commercial development, or industrial use. Zoning is not always absolute and certain zoning restrictions can be ignored if the community or government decides that it would be mutually beneficial to do so.

2. What are land use and zoning laws?

Land use and zoning laws dictate how physical land can be developed and what can be built on a lot respectively. Both types of laws are created to control how a city develops and to enforce urban planning designs. Usual examples of zoning and land use laws may prohibit heavy industrial buildings from being built in a suburb or prevent oil drilling in a national park. 

3. How do I find property zoning?

Most cities have their zoning maps available online. If an area does not have their zoning online, a visit to the city or county clerk’s office can usually resolve any confusion. These maps will show the general allotment for different areas though there may be additional rules in place for utilizing land in a specific way.

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